
Our low faculty-to-student ratio allows us to provide all psychology majors with hands-on learning experiences. 这些包括定向研究, where the student works closely with a faculty member on an experiment of mutual interest (see faculty research interests).

The research experience provides the student with the opportunity to apply information learned in the classroom, as well as acquire a number of skills sought after by employers, 即, 批判性思维, 解决问题, 团队合作, 沟通技巧.

Clarkson student psychology research projects are often presented at undergraduate research meetings, 科学会议, 偶尔也会作为研究文章发表.


Legault L.鸟,S.幂,S.E.谢尔曼,A.Schay, A.,侯,D., & Janoyan K. (2020).  Impact of a motivational intervention and interactive feedback on electricity and water consumption: A smart housing field experiment. 环境与行为,52(6),666-692. DOI: 10.1177/0013916518811433.  

Wilke,.比德尔,V.李迪克,J.款待,款待.道利,T.彼得森,S., & Langen T. (2018). 局部资源分布的空间依赖性. 生物工程学报,2009,33 (3):391 - 391.


页面右.黄伟.马勒里-维纳加德,C., & Legault L. 5月(2023). Comparing Internally and Externally Motivating Diversity Messages: What Works Best for Whom? To be presented at the 8th International Self-Determination Theory Conference, Orlando, FL.

帕默,P.雷诺兹,M。., & Legault L. 5月(2023). Understanding the Relationship between Autonomous Functioning and Racial Attitudes: The Roles of Empathy, 谦卑, 和换位思考. To be presented at the 8th International Self-Determination Theory Conference, Orlando, FL.

Legault L., & 萨戈,A(2022年4月). When Body Positivity Falls Flat: Divergent Effects of Body Acceptance Messages that Support vs. 破坏基本心理需求. 在圣公会联合学院的演讲. 劳伦斯谷,性别,性别 & 性会议,波茨坦,纽约.

Legault L.韦恩斯坦,纽约州.Legate, N., & Al-Khouja, M. 2月(2022). On Becoming Pro-Outgroup: Moving Away from the Control of Prejudice and Toward the Enhancement of Diverse Others. 研讨会在N. 伊森伯格和M. 布劳尔, ‘Promoting Diversity: Potential Pitfalls and How to Do It Right’ at the 23rd Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting, 旧金山, CA.

雷诺兹,M., 页面右.马勒里-维纳加德,C., & Legault L. 2月(2022). 同情外群体vs. Condemning Prejudice of the Ingroup: Complementary Roles of Empathy and 谦卑 in Outgroup Affect and Antiprejudiced Intentions. Presented at the 23rd Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting, 旧金山, CA.

Humiston,年代.Mielke, A.Legault L. 2月(2021). Mindfulness and Prejudice: Does Being More Aware of Bias Predict Less Bias? Paper to be presented at the 22nd Society for Personality and Social Psychology Virtual Convention.

Jawo, M.汉密尔顿,B。.亚当斯,J。.Bohl, D.费伯,B., & 本事,J.M. (接受). Understanding and assessing 心理健康 in EMS/EMT providers during COVID 19. Poster accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, 虚拟会议. 

鲍文,H.O'Brien, K., & Petley L. (2020年4月). Exploring sources of cognitive conflict in an auditory flanker task. Poster presented at the 4th Annual 研究 and Project Showcase (RAPS), esball国际平台客户端, 波茨坦, NY.

Chmielowiec H.,短,S.亚当斯,J。.R.布莱克本,A.刘毅.Long, K., Jawo, M.维滕格尔,K.Lucid, T.凯莱赫,J., & 本事,J.M. (2020年4月). Beyond the highlight reel: Examining the relationship between self-disclosure and depression on Finsta versus Instagram. Poster presented at the annual 研究 and Project Showcase (RAPS), esball国际平台客户端, 波茨坦, NY.

Jawo, M.维滕格尔,K.亚当斯,J。.R.Long, K.Lucid, T., Fete, Z.巴登,M., & 本事,J.M(2020年4月). Developing and testing social media posts that vary in degree of depression conveyed. Poster presented at the annual 研究 and Project Showcase (RAPS), esball国际平台客户端, 波茨坦, NY.

Jawo, M.维滕格尔,K., Fete, Z.亚当斯,J。.Long, K.Lucid, T.巴登,M., & 本事,J.M. (April, 2020; accepted but conference cancelled due to COVID-19). Developing and testing Tweets that vary in degree of depression conveyed. Poster accepted to the annual CSTEP conference at Sagamore, Lake George, NY.

清醒V., T.凯莱赫,J.布莱克本,A., Jawo, M.刘毅.Long, K.维滕格尔,K.Chmielowiec H.,短,S.亚当斯,J。.R., & 本事,J.M. (2020年4月). To sleep or to post: Examining how time of posts on social media influence perceived depression. Poster presented at the annual 研究 and Project Showcase (RAPS), esball国际平台客户端, 波茨坦, NY.

Jawo, M.维滕格尔,K., Fete, Z.亚当斯,J。.R.Long, K.Lucid, T.巴登,M.A., & 本事,J.M. (2020年2月). Developing and testing social media posts that vary in degree of depression conveyed. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, 新奥尔良, LA.

车. S.M., 本事,J.M., & Iyer-Eimerbrink P.A. (2020年2月). “Feel the burn or make America great again:” Differences in moral development based on candidate support. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, 新奥尔良, LA.

Chicoine N.波尔加,M.B厅.莫兰,S.,梅斯,K.梅耶,S.李,A., & Wilke,. (2019年11月). 利用虚拟现实技术研究人类觅食行为. Poster presented at the 60th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society Meeting, Montreal, Canada.

阿库拉,年代.巴克,M.科尔伯特,K.摩根,A.巴登,M. & 本事,J.M. (2019年2月). Detecting depression from mock social media posts: Effect of post creator’s age on expressing concern and offering help. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, 波特兰, OR.

巴克,M.科尔伯特,K.,阿库拉,南卡罗来纳州.巴登,M., P.A., & 本事,J.M. (2019年2月). Forming impressions from mock social media profiles: Influence of profile content, 心理健康, 和共鸣. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, 波特兰, OR.

克洛维斯,E.V., java, M., & 本事,J.M. (2019年8月). 人们在Twitter上对名人自杀作何反应? Poster presented at the annual 研究 and Project Showcase (RAPS), esball国际平台客户端, 波茨坦, NY.

Jawa, M.克洛维,E.V., & 本事,J.M. (2019年7月). 人们在Twitter上对名人自杀作何反应? Poster presented at the annual University at Buffalo Undergraduate 研究 Conference, 尼亚加拉大瀑布, NY.

阿库拉,年代.巴克,M.科尔伯特,K.摩根,A.巴登,M. & 本事,J.M. (2019年4月). Detecting depression from mock social media posts: Effect of post creator’s age on expressing concern and offering help. Poster presented at the annual 研究 and Project Showcase (RAPS), esball国际平台客户端, 波茨坦, NY.

科尔伯特,K.巴克,J.李维,R., & 本事,J.M. (2019年4月). Social media chatter following celebrity suicides: Impressions college students form from subsequent posts. Poster presented at the annual 研究 and Project Showcase (RAPS), esball国际平台客户端, 波茨坦, NY.

Vaccaro R.巴克,M.科尔伯特,K.维滕格尔,K., & 本事,J.M. (2019年4月). 社交媒体上可能影响抑郁症检测的线索. Poster presented at the annual 研究 and Project Showcase (RAPS), esball国际平台客户端, 波茨坦, NY.

巴克,M. & 本事,J. M. (2018年7月). Forming impressions from mock social media profiles: Influence of profile content and individual difference variables. Poster presented at the 2nd Annual 研究 and Project Showcase (RAPS), esball国际平台客户端, 波茨坦, NY.

巴克,M. & 本事,J. M. (2018年7月). Creating and pilot testing mock social media profiles: College student detect varying levels of depression. 海报在esball国际平台客户端狂热,波茨坦,纽约.

Chicoine N., & Wilke,. (2018年7月). Exploring humans’ perception of randomness with two spatial distribution statistics. Poster presented at the 30th annual meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society (HBES), 阿姆斯特丹, 荷兰.

科尔伯特,K.巴克,M., & 本事,J. M. (2018年7月). 名人自杀:媒体报道, 反应, and impact on students’ willingness to help and learn about mental illness. Poster presented at the 2nd Annual 研究 and Project Showcase (RAPS), esball国际平台客户端, 波茨坦, NY.

康纳,E.波尔加,M.维多,J., & Dowman R. (2018年7月). Attentional control mediated by lateral prefrontal cortex is not affected by threats to the body (somatic threats). 本科生科研经验研讨会(SURE), 第21届夏季年会, esball国际平台客户端, 波茨坦, NY.

大厅,B.道利,T., & Wilke,. (2018年7月). Spatial adaptations for cognitive search: A literature study. Poster presented at the 30th annual meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society (HBES), 阿姆斯特丹, 荷兰.

Wilke,.道利,T.彼得森,S., & Langen T. A. (2018年7月). 局部资源分布的空间依赖性. Paper presented at the 30th annual meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society (HBES), 阿姆斯特丹, 荷兰.

巴克,M.艾弗里,S.约翰逊,B.科尔伯特,D., Kon, J.斯帕齐亚尼,G., P. A., & 本事,J. M. (2018年4月). 帮还是不帮? Detecting depression on mock profiles and forming impressions of electronic interaction partners. Poster presented at the CSTEP Statewide Student Conference, Bolton Landing, NY.

Dawley T., & Wilke,. (2018年4月). 发达和自然资源领域的空间依赖. Paper presented at the 2nd 研究 and Project Showcase (RAPS), 波茨坦, USA.

狼,K., & Dowman R. (2018年4月). Possible role of the locus coeruleus phasic response in threat detection and reorienting. Poster presented at the 2nd Annual 研究 and Project Showcase, esball国际平台客户端, 波茨坦, NY.

艾弗里,年代., Kon, J.斯帕齐亚尼,G.科尔伯特,D.约翰逊,B.巴克,M., P. A., & 本事,J. M. (2018年3月). Creating and pilot testing mock social media profiles: College student detect varying levels of depression. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, 亚特兰大, GA.

巴克,M.艾弗里,S.约翰逊,B.科尔伯特,D., Kon, J.斯帕齐亚尼,G., P. A., & 本事,J. M. (2018年3月). 帮还是不帮? Detecting depression on mock profiles and forming impressions of electronic interaction partners. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, 亚特兰大, GA.