申请前, please review the steps outlined below to make sure you have all the information necessary to make the application process go smoothly.

问题? 博士联系. 狮子座Y. Jiang, PI of PwrEng-REU, yjiang@techvarsity.net.

Check program dates (May 22 to July 28, 2023) to make sure they work with your schedule. Please contact us if your university schedule conflicts with these dates.

Full consideration will be given to applications submitted before 11:59 p.m. (EST) February 15, 2023. However, the review will continue after the deadline until the positions are filled.

Review your eligibility on the 程序信息 页面.


Participants will receive:

$600/week stipend ($6,000 in total for 10 weeks).

$120/week food stipend ($1,200 in total for 10 weeks).

Round trip travel to and from Potsdam, New York.

On campus housing for the 10-week program period (free charge to students and details will be announced once it has been finalized).

Program Expectations

Engage in 10-week residential immersive programmatic activities.

请注意: we try to accommodate student late arrivals or early departures due to semester schedules and other obligations, but those obligations should be identified early in the application process. Please contact us with any concerns.

Please be ready to provide basic information such as your legal name, 联系电子邮件, 邮寄地址, 电话号码, 主要, current academic level (i.e., first year, 二年级, 三年级, 四年级), institution, etc.

You will need to submit a PDF of your resume/CV with your application. Need tips on putting one together? (Here's a helpful video. Thanks to my colleague Prof. 艾伦基督教)

Please prepare a single personal essay that addresses the following (making sure to have the required formatting):

Title on top: “FirstName LastName 个人陈述”

Saved as ”LastName 个人陈述;” saved as a PDF

Each item/question should be answered concisely in a single paragraph or two.


Introduce yourself, your 主要, your institution, current academic level (i.e., 一年级, 二年级, 三年级, 四年级), and briefly anything else you may think is relevant to introduce yourself)


Describe your interest in the electricity infrastructure, 工程, and technology and your short-term (for the summer research experience) and long-term (broader educational and career) goals (Please include your graduate study plan here).


What qualities and characteristics will you bring to the summer research experience from your educational and life experiences?

Fourth Paragraph (optional)

What else would you like the selection committee to know that has not already been covered?


Conclude your personal statement verifying your eligibility and interest in PwrEng REU and adding anything else you would like to tell us.

需要帮助吗?? 看我们的 个人陈述 video. (Thanks to my colleague Prof. 艾伦基督教)

We will need a PDF copy of your transcript or current unofficial undergraduate transcript.

If your transcript doesn’t include current course grades, that is okay; however, if the unofficial transcript does not capture current introductory courses, please try to capture those enrollments through a screenshot of your schedule as well as part of the transcript submission.

Please save PDF copy of transcript as “FirstName LastName 成绩单” and upload during application process.

Please identify two professors, 导师, or supervisors who can provide a letter of recommendation on your behalf.

You will need to provide each of their names, 从属关系, and email addresses in the application form.

We ask that at least one of your letter writers be a professor or academic adviser.

Letter writers will receive an email from us requesting these letters for applicants if needed.

Prior to applying, go to the “研究项目”页面 and review potential projects.

In the application form, you will need to identify three research topics from our “研究项目”页面.

To apply, click on the 马上申请 button. 
