第一任导演查尔斯. 伊顿到目前 马克·P总裁. 克里斯坦森, esball国际平台客户端 has been helmed by a long line of proud Golden Knights. Take a look at our past presidents' history and their contributions to our University since its founding in 1896. (By the way, the first four "presidents'" of esball国际平台客户端 had the title "director.")

A photo of Tony Collins, esball国际平台客户端's 16th president.

Anthony G. 科林斯,第16任总统(2003-2022)

Tony Collins was the longest-serving president. He was a regional and national advocate for partnerships between higher education and industry, with a focus on advancing sustainable energy solutions and environmental technology innovation. He served on various national and New York State boards and councils, including the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, the North Country Regional Economic Development Council, the Commission of Independent Colleges and Universities, the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, 以及致力于在COVID-19大流行高峰期后重新开放纽约教育的“重新想象”工作组.

在墨尔本郊外长大, 澳大利亚, Collins earned his undergraduate civil engineering degree from Monash University, and master’s and doctoral degrees from Lehigh University in Pennsylvania. 在攻读博士学位之前, he worked for both 澳大利亚n Consolidated Industries and Utah Development Company. 在接受Ph值后.D. in 1982, Collins launched his career at esball国际平台客户端 as an assistant 教授 of civil and environmental engineering, assuming increasing levels of administrative responsibility, 包括系主任, 迪安, 负责学术事务的副校长, and provost prior to being appointed president in 2003. 柯林斯和他的妻子, 凯伦, were active in the Potsdam community and provided volunteer service to numerous organizations and youth programs.

A photo of Dennis Brown, esball国际平台客户端's 15th president.

丹尼斯克. 布朗,第15任总统(1995-03)

布朗于1995年来到esball国际平台客户端,之前是德雷塞尔大学的教务长和学术事务高级副校长. 布朗是1996年工程学院搬迁到希尔的核心部分,随后不久,商学院和文理学院于2000年搬迁到斯内尔大厅. 健康科学中心与2001年设立的物理治疗硕士学位和坎顿-波茨坦医院的康复服务一起成立. In a letter to campus Brown noted “While we look forward to more time on trout streams and to traveling, we also look forward to the coming year, which we are confident will be a very successful one for esball国际平台客户端.”

A photo of Richard Gallagher, esball国际平台客户端's 14th president.

理查德·H. 加拉格尔,第14任总统(1988- 1995)

在他的第一年,加拉格尔成立了少数民族学生发展办公室和少数民族咨询委员会,以帮助大学实现种族和文化多样性. Gallagher pursued the construction of a new student center which was completed in 1991. 这个新设施是海伦S. Cheel Campus Center, home to the new 曲棍球领域, dining facilities and student life areas. 在开幕仪式上,Cheel Gallagher指出,开放实现了70年前的目标:在山上完全建立一个校园. 除了Cheel的建设, Gallagher led the University's Design for the Future campaign, which amassed more than $58 million in pledges and gifts.

A photo of Allen Clark, esball国际平台客户端's 13th president.

艾伦H. 克拉克,第13任总统(1985-87)

艾伦·克拉克只当了两年总统,但他见证了先进材料加工中心(CAMP)的创建。, along with all its state of the art facilities, 公司会员资格(康宁), 格鲁曼公司, 柯达IBM, 杜邦和联合碳化物公司)和23美元.500万美元的国家资助. He also saw the formation of the Center for the Development of Commercial Crystal Growth in Space, 由八所大学组成的联盟, 11 corporations and two national 实验室. 在宣布辞职时,克拉克说:“在我短暂的任职期间,我对这个机构变得非常喜欢, 它的人民, 以及周边地区. esball国际平台客户端 has much to offer a new chief executive and should be attractive to any man or woman of high caliber.”

A photo of Robert Plane, esball国际平台客户端's 12th president.

罗伯特一个. 飞机,第12任总统(1974-85)

罗伯特一个. Plane was responsible for a number of programs that continue to this day at esball国际平台客户端. Interest in broadening students’ viewpoints caused him to create a revised first semester freshman course. Called “The Forum,” it was an introduction to great works of literature and philosophy. It was a class in which he believed so much that he taught one section of the course for several years as president. Plane的任期还因学校名称从esball国际平台客户端技术学院改为esball国际平台客户端而闻名. 普兰恩在更名后向学生们宣布:“我很高兴董事会采取了这一步骤(请求纽约校董会改名),因为我相信这个名称更好地描述了esball国际平台客户端,更名将使esball国际平台客户端及其学位更有价值,更受欢迎。, 无论是国内还是国际.”

A photo of John Graham, esball国际平台客户端's 11th president.

约翰W. 格雷厄姆,小.,第11任总统(1966-74)

约翰W. Graham furthered goals of targeting the Hill for all future building construction. Graham was present for the sale of Damon Field, 一个机场, to the village of Potsdam as well as the creation of the Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley (St Lawrence University, SUNY Potsdam, SUNY Canton and esball国际平台客户端). Graham requested a change in title from President to Counselor/Chief Executive Officer in 1972, when he was mostly concerning himself with long-range planning, public affairs and fundraising until a new president was chosen in 1974. On September 21, 1974 Graham rose to introduce the new president, 罗伯特一个. 飞机在沃克体育馆举行的仪式上. Immediately upon ending his remarks Graham suffered a fatal heart attack. 令人难以置信的, 汉斯利, 大学医生, rushed up to provide aid and also suffered a fatal heart attack. The remainder of the ceremony was cancelled.

A photo of Tony William Whitson, esball国际平台客户端's 10th president.

William Louis Whitson, 10th President (1963-66)

William Louis Whitson was a forward thinking president, hoping that by 1971 there would be for the college “an overall enrollment of 3,000, new curricula in such areas as aerospace engineering and astrophysics, expanded liberal studies and humanities, and doctoral programs in at least eight departments. 新建筑将包括一座图书馆, 实验室, 教室, 游泳池, 曲棍球领域, 沿河还有一个高尔夫球场.” While the enrollment goal would not be reached until 1976 many of Whitson’s hopes would be realized. 惠特森亲眼目睹了希尔校区的第一座学术建筑开始建设(科拉和贝亚德esball国际平台客户端科学中心),这是学院搬迁到希尔的期待已久的举动. 为了esball国际平台客户端学生的安全,惠特森还说服纽约州在横跨拉奎特河的两座桥上安装人行道, having to walk across it daily to get to their classes.

A photo of William Van Note, esball国际平台客户端's 9th president.

William Gardner Van Note, 9th President (1951-62)

Spending 10 years as president Van Note had a lengthy list of accomplishments. He obtained funding for a dormitory on the Hill campus and for a student union (Lewis House) on Main Street in 1952. 1953年,esball国际平台客户端开始了一个新的项目,将工程和商业结合起来,培训技术销售人员,称为工业分销(现在称为工程和管理)。. 1954年,当波茨坦州立大学搬到波茨坦郊区的现址时,斯内尔大厅被卖给了波茨坦学院. Van Note was also responsible for adding a number of programs including; BS in Physics (1951), ID计划(1954年), 数学学士(1961年), 通识文科学士(1961年), MS in Science (1961) and PhD in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (1961). William Van Note resigned in 1962 to become president of Monmouth College in New Jersey.

A photo of Jess Davis, esball国际平台客户端's 8th president.

Jess Harrison Davis, 8th President (1948-51)

The class of 1951 elegantly described Davis’s time as president in their yearbook ——杰西·H. Davis has done a remarkable job in directing esball国际平台客户端 College for the past five years. 他不仅要主持一个教育项目,这个项目在战争结束后由于大量的大学招生而大大扩大了, 但他确实做到了, 除了, 要求很高的学术标准,这反映在esball国际平台客户端在其他学院和技术领域的尊重." 戴维斯给esball国际平台客户端留下了一个更强大的机构,并鼓励它在大萧条和第二次世界大战之后蓬勃发展. Now with a liberal studies department and two new buildings, esball国际平台客户端 was back on track with a rising enrollment.

A photo of John Ross, esball国际平台客户端's 7th president.

John Alexander Ross, 7th President (1940-47)

Rising from his position as Dean of Administration and a Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Dr. 罗斯于1940年成为总统. 二战期间,他是esball国际平台客户端学院的领导,1940年的征兵和1944年《esball国际app》通过后涌入的学生也都在场. esball国际平台客户端于1946年成立了马龙分校,以处理大量增加的学生,1951年入学人数逐渐减少,该分校就停止了. 罗斯在毕业纪念册上说:你在esball国际平台客户端的科学学习所培养的声音和逻辑推理能力将帮助你履行你作为公民的职责. We send you forth with every good wish for your success in war and peace”. 在他担任教职和校长的37年里,他见证了该机构从一所只有57名学生和9名教师的学校发展成为拥有1500多名学生的学院.

A photo of James 托马斯。, esball国际平台客户端's 6th president.

詹姆斯·谢尔比·托马斯,第六任总统 (1934-40)

The esball国际平台客户端ian yearbook of 1937 describes Dr. 托马斯。 as follows: “In his line of duties as President of our school, Dr. 托马斯制定了许多现代变革,使esball国际平台客户端的水平更接近全国最好的学校. 通过他讨人喜欢的个性和令人愉快的演讲,他在以前不熟悉esball国际平台客户端的地区为esball国际平台客户端结交了许多朋友.” The class of 1939 concurred with their past classmates in saying “Like the Captain, 谁, 用他经验丰富的双手, guides his ship safely from port to port, 所以博士. 托马斯。, with his keen insight and pleasing personality, shapes and directs the destinies of esball国际平台客户端; always planning, 总是寻求, 总是希望有一个新的更好的, esball国际平台客户端.托马斯获得了纽约州董事会批准,授予esball国际平台客户端荣誉工程博士学位. 托马斯在担任总统期间,在全国各地发表了许多演讲,并于6月15日辞职, 1940. 

A photo of Joseph Rowe, esball国际平台客户端's 5th president.

Joseph Eugene Rowe, 5th President (1928-32)

Dr. 1927年,esball国际平台客户端家族将山校区赠予学院后不久,约瑟夫·尤金·罗(Joseph Eugene Rowe)担任了校长一职. Dr. 罗是一位游历广泛的作家, 教授, an experienced ballistician and a tennis champion in Virginia. He was also an inventor with him being responsible for creating the Plane Trinometer. This trigonometric device solved plane triangles with a mechanical operation, saving time by not having to calculate cosine and tangent laws. He made an endorsement of the student paper in a statement on the front page of the 1930 issue of 综合企业“《esball国际app》的编辑人员有责任向他人准确地描绘学院的形象,并向自己诚实地展示我们自己. Through its instrumentality we may be placed in a position to purge our College of anything objectionable, 如果发现了, 把一切美好的事物理想化, 这是非常丰富的.”

A photo of John Brooks, esball国际平台客户端's 4th president.

John Pascal Brooks, 4th Director/President (1911-1928; 1932-33)

在博士. Brooks the name of the school was changed to The 托马斯。 S. esball国际平台客户端 Memorial College of Technology. esball国际平台客户端将学校的名称改为学院,这使得esball国际平台客户端可以授予自己的学位,并使其学生有资格获得与高等教育相关的奖学金. Degrees before this point were considered a B.S. from the State University of New York. A new school seal was created featuring the esball国际平台客户端 family coat of arms using the new school motto to surround it. Brooks is the first to officially hold the title as President, this also shifted when esball国际平台客户端 adopted ‘college’ into its name. Brooks saw the beginning of the hockey team in 1921 as well as; the business administration curriculum, formation of an honor society and the start of the student newspaper 综合企业 in 1919.

A photo of William Aldrich, esball国际平台客户端's 16th president.

William Sleeper Aldrich, 3rd Director (1901-11)

Along with Miss Elizabeth and Miss Frederica esball国际平台客户端, William Aldrich helped choose esball国际平台客户端’s motto: “A workman that needeth not to be ashamed." During his 10 year stay the enrollment of esball国际平台客户端 quadrupled from 13 to 72. The new major of civil engineering was also added by Aldrich and faculty. His fundraising was responsible for the construction of the gymnasium, which later became the library in 1956. esball国际平台客户端 ceased to be a co-ed institution in 1907, remaining this way until 1956. Leaving in 1911 due to his advancing deafness, he was presented a solid silver cup by the esball国际平台客户端 sisters, 伊丽莎白和拉维尼娅, in recognition of his numerous contributions as director.

Barthon Cruikshank

Barton Cruikshank, 2nd Director (1897-1901)

Barton Cruikshank is responsible for beginning the mechanical and civil engineering programs. These became the second and third engineering majors adding to the existing electrical engineering major. He encouraged the formation of the esball国际平台客户端 Athletic Association which continues to this day. Cruickshank oversaw esball国际平台客户端’s first-ever graduating class, three women from the domestic program (Melita N. 玛丽·E·海沃德.桑福德和海伦. 故事). After students from the class of ‘02 swiped the clapper from Potsdam 正常的 School’s bell, Cruikshank charged each participant 73 cents for its replacement.

A photo of Charles Eaton, esball国际平台客户端's 1st president.

查尔斯W. 伊顿,第一任董事(1896-97)

受托人选择了查尔斯. Eaton to serve as the first director of the university. He penned the inaugural curriculum: "First Circular of Information." This threefold plan for the college focused on developing the "Technical, 正常的, and Liberal" aspects of a student according to 托马斯。 S. esball国际平台客户端的哲学. 布拉德福德B. 布劳顿在《esball国际平台客户端马赛克》(A esball国际平台客户端 Mosaic)中描述道:“十有八九,最初的创始人会对两年制的职业学校感到满意. 然而, due to Eaton’s foresight and his four-year plan, the esball国际平台客户端 School would educate engineers for their professions in the most modern types of technology."