


保罗J. Cummins is a philosophically trained bioethicist with a strong record of scholarship and innovation in bioethics. He is the PI on an NEH Connections grant to develop a minor in Bioethics at esball国际平台客户端, and a Co-PI on the NIH Fogarty International Center-sponsored Caribbean 研究伦理 Education Initiative grant to foster research ethics in the low- and middle-income countries in the English- and Spanish-speaking Caribbean basin.  教授. 康明斯生物伦理教育奖学金, 临床伦理, 良心, and environmental bioethics has appeared in top 20 journals.


哲学博士学位 -纽约城市大学esball国际app中心
哲学硕士 ——爱丁堡大学
道德奖学金 - Bioethics Program,Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
哲学学士 ——瓦萨学院


研究助理教授 Department of Bioethics esball国际平台客户端, 2020-Present
助理教授 Department of Medical Education,Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, 2015-Present
讲师 Department of 哲学,Lehman College, City University of New York, 2015


  • BIE535 -医学和社会正义
  • BIE555 -研究伦理1
  • BIE563 -儿科伦理学
  • BIE574 -当代生物伦理学问题
  • BIE630/635/640 -硕士项目课程


领袖, 环境生物伦理亲和小组, 美国生命伦理与人文学会会员, 气候智慧型工作小组, Philipstown, 纽约公众会员, American Occupational Therapy Association Ethics Appeal Panel Public Member, 院校检讨委员会, LifeBridge健康, 巴尔的摩, MD


  • 生命伦理教育
  • 良心
  • 环境生物伦理学
  • 研究伦理


国家卫生研究院福格蒂国际中心R25资助, The Caribbean 研究伦理 Education Initiative (CREEi), aims to foster research ethics capacity in the Spanish- and English-speaking Caribbean through the development of two independent Master’s degree programs in Mexico and Grenada. The grant will pilot three 15-student cohorts through Master’s degree programs, 首先在esball国际平台客户端, 然后是资助伙伴的机构, the Autonomous University of Queretaro and Saint George’s University. This unique program will conduct simultaneous bilingual education to its mixed cohorts of Spanish- and English-speaking students. This plan should enhance the educational experience of the students through cross-cultural understanding and serve as a model for institutions that seek to expand access to education bypassing language requirements.

目前, I am also engaged in a collaborative research project with Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, 石溪儿童医院, and Stony Brook University’s Department of Psychology on parental attitudes to adolescent participation in research without parental permission. 具体地说, we intend to compare their attitudes about their children’s decision-making about participating in low to high risk non-research activities with research activities. We presented preliminary results at the recent World Congress of Bioethics.


The question of whether it is ethical for medical professionals to engage in 良心 continues to be a major source of disagreement in bioethics. I have argued that part of the reason for this is there is a lack of clarity about what constitutes 良心. I have developed a philosophical account of 良心 and have argued that a consequence of this account is that we are asking the wrong ethical question; instead we should be asking what constitutes an ethical response to a claim of 良心. 我继续致力于应用这一观点.

Anthropogenic climate change is a catastrophe that humans are not working to mitigate sufficiently. It will have enormous negative affects to human health, and yet it is an area of research that bioethics mostly neglects. I have argued anthropogenic climate change represents a fact that requires reconsideration of central ethical concepts in bioethics. The central ethical concepts of bioethics are in jeopardy because humanities scholars interpret anthropogenic climate change as refuting central beliefs in the liberal tradition. As bioethics continues to become a more inclusive interdisciplinary field, bioethics will have to engage with these perspectives.


ak279394 -21 PD: 保罗J. Cummins                        08/01/2021-03/31/2023

7R25TW009731-08                 PI:  MacPherson, Cheryl                01/02/2020-31/01/2024


  • 2022 Moving Intensive Onsite Courses Online: Responding to COVID-19 Educational Disruption. 国际伦理教育杂志. Darshini V .与Jane Oppenlander合著. 苏雷什和艾伦·托宾·巴拉托. 即将到来的.
  • 2021 Enhancing COVID-19 vaccination coverage using financial incentives: arguments to help health providers counterbalance erroneous claims. 流行病学与健康. 与耶莱娜·多特里克等人合著. 在线第一. http://doi.org/10.4178 / epih.e2021081  
  • 2021 Ethics education in clinical pastoral education: prevalence and types. 健康杂志. 保健牧师服务. 与David Fleenor等人合著. http://doi.org/10.1080/08854726.2021.1916335
  • 2021 “Medical Ethics” and “Decisional Capacity” subsections, 第一章, “临床接触的方法”在霍夫曼RM, Szilagyi PG, 索里亚诺RP, Bickley LS. Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and 历史 Taking. 第13版. 费城:威科集团.
  • 2019 良心 and Physician-Employees. HEC论坛. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10730-019-09390-8
  • “如果发生急性事件,我们该怎么办?” Diverse ethical approaches to decision- making in the ICU. 医药、保健和 哲学. 22(3): 475-486. 与F合著. Nicoli J. A. Raho R. Portz,克. 米诺佳和M. Picozzi.
  • 2018 Justice and Respect for Autonomy: Jehovah’s Witnesses and Organ Transplants. 《临床伦理学杂志. 29(4): 305-312. 与Fedrico Nicoli合著.
  • 2018 The Anthropocene: The End of Humanism in Bioethics? 伦理、医学和公共卫生. 6, 105-114.
  • 2017 TBI and NFL Culture: Can Players Autonomously Refuse Biometric Monitoring? 美国生命伦理学杂志. 17(1), 75-77.
  • 2015 Improving Third Year Medical Students’ Competency in Clinical Moral Reasoning: Two Interventions to a Curriculum. 经验生命伦理学. 7(3), 140-148. 与Katherine J. Mendis.
  • 2013 A Model for the Assessment of Medical Students’ Competency in Medical Ethics. 初步研究 4(4), 68-83. 与阿曼达·法维亚和莉莉·弗兰克等人合著.
  • 2012潜能和诱导多能干细胞. Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine: an International Journal 3(4), 263-274.



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