Dana Olzenak McGuire

Clinical Associate Professor
Dana  Olzenak McGuire Headshot


Dana McGuire is a clinical associate professor of physical therapy in the Lewis School of Health Sciences where she teaches administration and leadership in physical therapy; population health, wellness, and prevention; and statistics. Dr. McGuire在物理治疗和公共卫生领域都有不同的机会. 她回到esball国际平台客户端后担任公共卫生主任圣. Lawrence County, New York, where she led the COVID-19 pandemic response; directed local health department programs, activities, and grants; and led county-wide opioid response efforts. Prior to that she was an epidemiologist and epidemic intelligence service (EIS) officer at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; program director of the Physical Therapy Department at Nazareth College; and director of clinical education in the Physical Therapy Department at Clarkson.

Dr. McGuire在不同的环境下治疗过各种各样的病人:从急性到慢性疾病, 早产儿早期干预对老年人长期护理的影响, 从农村到城市,从国内到国际,在门诊和住院设施. 当她在疾病预防控制中心担任EIS官员时,她将她的临床经验带到她在体育活动和发育残疾部门的工作中. 

Education Background

  • 罗彻斯特大学流行病学博士- 2015年
  • 2006年,德雷塞尔大学物理治疗博士学位
  • 2002年,esball国际平台客户端工商管理硕士
  • 1998年,德尤维尔大学获得物理治疗学士和硕士学位

Courses Taught

  • PT 645自主环境中的实践管理
    PT 617 Professional Practice IV A&B – Community Health and Wellness
    PT 518基于证据的实践分析方法
    PT 508 Evidence-based Practice


  • ARC Jefferson St. Lawrence Foundation Board President
  • 女孩跑波茨坦纽约网站主任和教练
  • 纽约州癌症检测和教育项目咨询委员会;
  • 纽约州卫生部残疾和健康咨询小组成员

Research Interests

  • Practice Management
  • Health Promotion
  • Research Methods

Clinical Practice

School-based pediatrics


Clarkson University Bertrand H. Snell Service Award, October 2021 for St. Lawrence County COVID-19 response                             

New York State Senate Commendation Award参议员约瑟夫·格里菲斯(Joseph Griffo),于2021年7月为应对2019冠状病毒病作出贡献        

St. 劳伦斯县商会表彰奖2021年3月,为县COVID-19应对工作提供资金
Rose Day Award为应对COVID-19工作,广州宗塔俱乐部,2021年3月


美国公共卫生协会残疾科学生奖学金, September 2013


2023青少年体育和教育机会基金- March 2023

2022年青年体育和教育机会基金- July 2022

卓越蓝十字蓝盾2020年社区健康奖- March 2020              
Excellus BlueCross BlueShield’s Utica $4,为工作场所的母乳喂养友好环境项目提供6万美元

卓越蓝十字蓝盾2018年社区健康奖- November 2018     

Community Health Mini-Grant Program- October 2014
Center for Community Health, University of Rochester $1,为青少年提供治疗性骑马和海马疗法的经验

残疾确定程序小额赠款计划- May 2014
Policy Research Inc. $10,这是一项研究自闭症谱系障碍儿童运动能力和参与能力之间关系的研究


McGuire DLO, Tian LH, Yeargin-Allsopp M, Dowling N, Christensen D. Prevalence of cerebral palsy, intellectual disability, hearing loss, and blindness, 2009-2016年全国健康访谈调查. (2019). 残疾与健康杂志,12(3):443-451.

Omura JD, Ussery EN, Ellis E, Arnold-Lewis K, Orr J, McGuire DO, Lewis L, Paul P, Peterson EL, Fulton JE, Carlson SA. (2018). 2016年,美属维尔京群岛社区和街道规模的步行支持. Am J Public Health, 108(8): 1055-1058.

Mead PS, Duggal NK, Hook SA, Delorey M, Fischer M, McGuire DO, Becksted H, Max RJ, Anishchenko M, Schwartz AM, Tzeng W, Nelson C, McDonald EM, Brooks JT, Brault AC, Hinckley AF. (2018). 有症状感染者精液和尿液中的寨卡病毒脱落. New England J Med, 378(15):1377-1385.

McGuire DO, Watson KB, Carroll DD, Courtney-Long EA, Carlson SA. (2018). 使用两种残疾措施比较美国成年残疾人的身体活动不足. Prev Chronic Dis, Jan 18; 15 E08. doi: 10.5888/pcd15.170261 5:170261.

Armstrong P, Hennessey M, Adams M, Cherry C, Chiu S, Harrist A, Kwit N, Lewis L, McGuire DLO, Oduyebo T, Russell K, Talley P, Tanner M, Williams C, 寨卡病毒应对流行病学和实验室小组. (2016). 美国旅游相关寨卡病毒病例.S. 居民-美国,2015年1月- 2016年2月. MMWR, March 25, 2016 65(11): 286-289.

McGuire DLO, Metzger K, Li X, Cudia K,等. 教学方法与DPT学生知识的关系, Confidence, 统计分析对循证实践的态度. NYAPTA Annual Conference. Saratoga, NY. Poster Presentation. October 2023.

Watson J, Smith S, McGuire DLO. 在纽约农村增加获得纳洛酮培训的机会. Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit. Nashville TN. Poster Presentation. April 2020.

麦圭尔DO,田lh, Yeargin-Allsopp M, Dowling NF, Christensen DL. 4种残疾的患病率:脑瘫、智力残疾、听力损失和失明. 美国脑瘫和发育性残疾学会. Cincinnati OH. Platform Presentation. October 2018.

McGuire DLO, Hyman SL, Fulk GD, van Wijngaarden E. 自闭症谱系障碍儿童参与与生活质量的关系. 美国物理治疗协会联合分会会议. New Orleans LA. Poster Presentation. February 2018.

Omura JD, Ussery E, McGuire DLO, Lewis L, Orr J, Paul P, Peterson EL, Fulton JE, Arnold-Lewis K, Ellis E, Carlson SA. 评估美国街头对步行的支持.S. Virgin Islands — 2016. (Medicine & Science in Sports & (练习49:19 19-920)美国运动医学学院年会. Denver, CO. Poster Presentation. June 2017.



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